Social Profiling
Think about all of the information you can get from looking at a person’s public social network profiles. These public profiles are a gold mine of CX personalization data, with details from an individual’s age, gender, marital status, and employer to granular details on favorite movies, books, and places traveled. All of this customer preference data builds effective social profiling, which can be used for personalization, customer segmentation, and persona development strategies.
Social profiling is a major catalyst that is changing the way companies are planning their marketing and customer experience strategies. Social profiles are a rich source of data that is necessary in brand promotions and communications, not just because of the number of people using it, but due to the interactive nature of social platforms.
According to a recent eMarketer survey, nearly one-third of the world is using social media this year. Hosting includes basic demographic details and also complex customer data like channel, brand, product research, and communication preferences, lifestyle, spending, and shopping patterns.
Social profiling can be a very useful tool in analyzing and understanding customer likes and preferences, handing brands the precious key to understanding what makes a customer tick.
Digital CheckPoint Applications of Social Profiling
A reliable source for vital customer information, social profiling is an important tool in constructing effective personalization and customer segmentation strategies. What’s more, social profiling can also contribute to building intuitive knowledge bases and providing a Unified Customer Experience Strategy.
In customer segmentation, data from social profiling helps in establishing segments. Each customer segment will have its own, unique characterization/qualifying criteria and you need to have all necessary details on a customer to assign them to a certain segment. And to a great extent, customer segmentation determines the kind of marketing campaigns the customer is targeted with.
Additionally, social profiling is essential when creating customer profiles. In depth customer information is required to build personas and these personas influence the segment the customer is placed under. Social profiling can not only get you data, but also provide insight into customer relationships that influence shopping habits and patterns that are part of a customer’s persona.
Social profiling is also useful in offering great, personalized customer experiences. You can provide each customer with an experience tailored to suit their needs, queries, and preferences. For example, a customer’s social profile might indicate that they prefer to provide feedback and solve product-related issues through social media platforms more than any other channel. To survive and thrive in a CX-focused marketplace, today’s businesses need to use social channels when communicating with customers.